Viewing Fascism

ADDED 11/12/2018

Poland’s president addresses far right at independence march

FROM 11/11/2018 | The Guardian

BY Christian Davies

More than 200,000 people are estimated to have taken part in a controversial independence-day march through central Warsaw on Sunday, after a last-minute agreement was struck between senior politicians and the event’s far-right organisers. The March of Independence, organised by nationalist and far-right groups and held annually in the Polish capital on 11 November to […]

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ADDED 11/12/2018

There is No “Mainstream” Conservatism

FROM 1/01/2018 | Jacobin


The line between the far right and “mainstream” conservatism is rapidly crumbling. But the two were never very far apart in the first place. If you go by most of what you see in the media, you would think politics is governed by some strange version of Newtonian physics. “Both sides” are perennially to blame, […]

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ADDED 11/02/2018

The Not-so Invisible Hand of Uncle Sam

FROM 11/01/2018 | BrasilWire

BY Bryan Pitts

The United States has spent over a century meddling in Latin America. Recent crusades against corruption in Latin America are only the latest chapter. Today Brazil is on the front lines of the US battle to re-establish its hegemony in the region. When you study Latin American history, as I have for well over a […]

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ADDED 11/02/2018

On Gab, an Extremist-Friendly Site, Pittsburgh Shooting Suspect Aired His Hatred in Full

FROM 10/28/2018 | New York Times

BY Kevin Roose

Early Saturday, moments before the police say he barged into a Pittsburgh synagogue and opened fire, Robert Bowers’s anti-Semitic rage finally boiled over as he posted one last message online. But he did not turn to Facebook or Twitter. Instead, the man accused of killing 11 people went to Gab, a two-year-old social network that […]

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ADDED 11/01/2018

The Suffocation of Democracy

FROM 10/30/2018 | KPFA

BY Mitch Jeserich

A conversation with Professor Christopher R. Browning about the similarities and differences in which the current political situation in the United States resembles the interwar period of WWI and WWII and the rise of fascism in Europe. Guest: Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham ­Professor of History Emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the author, […]

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ADDED 11/01/2018

Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly and the Rise of Fascism: A Conversation with Julio Escalona

FROM  | Venezuelanalysis

BY Cira Pascual Marquina

Born in 1938, Julio Escalona began his revolutionary activity at an early age in the MIR (Left Revolutionary Movement). Later he helped to found the urban guerrilla OR (Organization of Revolutionaries) and its political arm the Socialist League. A professor of economy in Venezuela’s Central University, he has also been part of Venezuela’s UN delegation. Today, while […]

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ADDED 11/01/2018

There’s Money in Fascism

FROM 10/30/2018 | GQ

BY Drew Magary

Here are two awful things in a vast timeline of awful things: Over the weekend, Brazilians elected aspiring dictator Jair Bolsonaro to be their next president. You can find plenty of explainers online as to why Bolsonaro is a monster (naturally, President Trump offered him warm congratulations on his victory), but I can go ahead and give you a […]

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ADDED 10/29/2018

The Common Thread That Unites Brazil and Global Resurgence of the Radical Right

FROM 10/29/2018 | Mint Press

BY Rob Urie

With Jair Bolsonaro’s electoral victory in Sunday’s runoff election for president of Brazil, a global resurgence of the radical right is indisputable. Mr. Bolsonaro is a particularly ugly representative of this movement, both politically repressive and culturally intolerant. The question being asked in the bourgeois press is: what psychological malady is taking hold that could […]

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ADDED 10/27/2018

Neoliberalism and Fascism: The Stealth Connection

FROM 10/27/2018 | Common Dreams

BY William E. Connolly

Neoliberalism is not fascism. But the fact that many famous neoliberals have been moved to support fascism to protect a regime from social democracy or socialism does give one pause. Hayek, Friedman, von Mises, among others, took such a turn under duress. They also had highly expansive views of what counted as a “socialist” threat. […]

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ADDED 10/21/2018

Psyops: Images from Bolsonaro’s illegal WhatsApp campaign

FROM 10/21/2018 | BrasilWire

BY Brian Wier

Bolsonaro’s illegal slush-fund financed social media campaign appears too sophisticated for his tiny political party to be doing on its own.   On the Friday before the October 7 Brazilian presidential elections, Brasil Wire ran two articles that proved to be prophetic. In the first I warned that the integrity of the election was being compromised by presidential […]

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ADDED 10/19/2018

The Activists Waging a War to Make The Far Right Go Broke

FROM 10/19/2018 | Splinter

BY Elizabeth King

It wasn’t so long ago that white nationalist “intellectual” Richard Spencer was the toast of the so-called “alt-right” and was even generously profiled by liberal and mainstream news outlets. His speaking engagements at various public universities attracted headlines for months throughout the 2017-2018 academic year as he faced massive blowback for organizing and attending the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville […]

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ADDED 10/18/2018

What went wrong in eastern Europe?

FROM 10/18/2018 | Open Democracy

BY Tom Junes

A review of John Feffer’s Aftershock: A Journey into Eastern Europe’s Broken Dreams. On the eve of the 30th anniversary of 1989, one could be forgiven succumbing to pessimism following the news coming out of Eastern Europe. Apart from the alarmism about a resurgent and aggressive Russia, it is the “rise of illiberalism”, for instance, in […]

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