Viewing Fascism

ADDED 01/28/2019

Netanyahu Forms Alliances with Far-Right Authoritarian Leaders

FROM 01/26/2019 | Real News Network

BY Marc Steiner

Shir Hever says Netanyahu is abusing his image as a protector of the Jewish people, and cuts deals with far-right and anti-Semitic heads of state, absolving them of their racism towards Jews in exchange for their superficial support for the State of Israel. All this, to win the upcoming Israeli elections. MARC STEINER: Welcome to The […]

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ADDED 01/28/2019

Thousands of anti-fascists gathered at Igman Mountain, celebrating 77th Anniversary of the Igman Marsh

FROM 01/26/2019 | Srajevo Times

BY Sarajevo Times

Thousands of anti-fascists gathered today at Igman Mountain, where they celebrated the 77th anniversary of the Igman Marsh and evoked memories of one of the most significant events of 1942 during the People’s Liberation War in World War II. The president of SABNOR BiH, Bakir Nakas, told reporters that 20,000 people every year show that […]

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ADDED 01/28/2019

Anti-Semitic protest at Auschwitz during commemoration

FROM 01/27/2019 | The Independent

BY Tim Wyatt

Polish nationalists held an anti-Semitic protest during a Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony at Auschwitz. The small group of hardline activists held their demonstration inside the former concentration camp at the same time as the official Holocaust commemorations on Sunday. The 50 protestors from the Polish Independence Movement were led by Piotr Rybak, who was once jailed for burning […]

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ADDED 01/23/2019

Confronting the Culture of Death

FROM 01/21/2019 | Truthdig

BY Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges, an ordained Presbyterian minister, gave this sermon Jan. 20 at Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria, British Columbia, in Canada. The issue before us is death. Not only our individual death, which is more imminent for some of us this morning than others, but our collective death. We have begun the sixth great mass extinction, […]

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ADDED 01/23/2019

Blackshirt bedroom fascist plots to infiltrate Scottish local councils

FROM 01/19/2019 | Daily Record

BY Billy Briggs

Meet Scotland’s self-styled heir to bygone Blackshirt Oswald Mosley. Gary Raikes loves dressing up in the style of the 30s leader of the British Union of Fascists. And he’s a proper comedy turn as he belts out right-wing rhetoric from an amateurish podium set against a grubby background of neo-Nazi flags. Pathetic Raikes’s address is […]

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ADDED 01/23/2019

Holocaust survivors are right: Study history to counter the rise of fascism

FROM 01/19/2019 | CBC News

BY Matt Henderson

In the past few weeks, an important discussion has surfaced in our community, prompted by survivors of the Holocaust. This conversation asks us to contemplate the significance of our memory of the shared human experience. Regine Frankel, who hid from Nazis as a young girl in France and survived, has asked us all to think […]

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ADDED 01/16/2019

When the Nazis were beaten, ‘never again’ was the cry. But here we are again

FROM 01/15/2019 | iNews

BY Yasmin Alibhai-Brown

Among the agitating gilets jaunes in Paris were known anti-Semites. One banner described President Emmanuel Macron as a “whore of the Jews”. Others abused the Jewish billionaires, the Rothschilds. Ukip now has official links with those with similar views. Among them is Paul Joseph Watson, an editor of Infowars, a website that promulgates Jewish conspiracy theories. […]

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ADDED 01/14/2019

‘America First’ and the Origin of the Modern Jewish Conspiracy

FROM 01/09/2019 | Religion Dispatches

BY Eric C. Miller

Historian Paul Hanebrink discusses the origin and uses of the Judeo-Bolshevik myth as a grand conspiracy that inspired the Holocaust and how crucial parts of it survived under the umbrella of “Judeo-Christian civilization.” Among other concerning changes, the Donald Trump era has played host to a rise in white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and increasing incidences of […]

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ADDED 01/14/2019

Five Forces Driving the Rise of Fascism in 2019

FROM 01/13/2019 | Truthout

BY Michael I. Niman

The New Year’s Day inauguration of avowed authoritarian strongman Jair Bolsonaro as president of Brazil signaled an ominous start to 2019. Brazil, as the fifth-largest country by landmass (larger than the Australian continent), the sixth-largest by population (larger than Russia) and the ninth-largest economy (larger than Canada), represents global fascism’s biggest gain in recent history. The rise […]

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ADDED 01/10/2019

Serbia erupts in nationwide protests after assassination attempts prompt fears of fascist resurgence

FROM 01/09/2019 | Boing Boing

BY Boing Boing

Mass protests have wracked Serbia after critics of nationalist strongman president Aleksandar Vučić were attacked in a series of failed assassination attempts, compounding Vučić’s own human rights abuses and indifference to popular will. Among those who were attacked are Serbian Left president Borko Stefanović and two Serbian Left party activists, who was beaten with iron […]

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ADDED 01/10/2019

Haverhill High students’ assignment on Trump and fascism creates uproar; principal apologizes

FROM  | The Eagle-Tribune

BY Mike LaBella

A debate among members of the community has erupted on Facebook over a Haverhill High history class assignment in which students were asked to debate whether characteristics of fascism are exhibited by President Donald Trump. The postings on Facebook ranged from “I’m not sure I’m comfortable with it but at the same time our kids […]

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ADDED 01/09/2019

What is the Precariat | Guy Standing | TEDxPrague

FROM 02/16/2017 | Youtube

BY Guy Standing

We’d better have nightmares about the future of milions of people who stand on the brim of unsustainable debt. Guy Standing pracuje na School of Oriental and African Studies – SOAS na University of London. Je autorem mnohých knih, z nichž nejznámnější je asi „Prekariát: Nová nebezpečná společenská třída“, která byla přeložena do 16 jazyků. […]

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