Viewing Money

ADDED 04/12/2018

Saad Filho: The attack on Lula and threats to Brasil’s Democracy

FROM 04/12/2018 | Brasilwire

BY Saad Filho

“It is scandalous to have the US government guiding policy and the judicial prosecution of Lula. It is scandalous to have the judicial process turned into a spectacle for TV. It is scandalous to invite the military back into politics.” Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was the most influential trade union leader in Brazil in […]

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ADDED 04/06/2018

Have Christian nationalists staged a “soft coup,” with Trump as their figurehead?

FROM 04/05/2018 | Salon

BY Chauncey Devega

Scholar Andrew Whitehead: Right-wing evangelicals think Trump can make “their vision of a Christian nation” real y the standards of any of the world’s major religions Donald Trump is an ungodly person, an enthusiastic and unrepentant sinner who revels in his misdeeds. Trump is a serial liar and apparent narcissist. He is a greedy, crude […]

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ADDED 04/04/2018

The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism

FROM 04/01/2018 | Monthly Review

BY Gerald Horne

The years between 1603 and 1714 were perhaps the most decisive in English history. At the onset of the seventeenth century, the sceptered isle was a second-class power, but the Great Britain that emerged by the beginning of the eighteenth century was, in many ways, the planet’s reigning superpower.1 It then passed the baton to its […]

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ADDED 04/03/2018

Israeli parliament endorses ‘nation-state bill’ for first reading

FROM 03/15/2018 | Al Jazeera

BY Jonathan Cook

Nazareth, Israel – After seven years of delays, the Israeli governing parties have agreed the final terms of controversial new legislation that would define Israel exclusively as “the nation-state of the Jewish people”. The bill is now expected to be fast-tracked through the Israeli parliament and on to the statute books in the coming weeks. Approval by […]

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ADDED 03/29/2018

Letters and Politics: Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter

FROM 03/28/2018 | Letters and Politics - KPFA


Today we are in conversation with professor Christian Fuchs to examine the right-wing authoritarian use of social media and the capitalist models that allow growing such issues as the one concerning Cambridge Analitica.  Christian Fuchs is a professor of social media at the University of Westminster, Director of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies & Communication and Media Research Institute, United Kingdom.  […]

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ADDED 03/28/2018

The Elite Charade of Changing the World

FROM 03/28/2018 | Slate

BY Slate

Anand Giridharadas on why many rich people do harm—even when they think they’re doing good. Yascha Mounk discusses the limits of philanthropy, how the hopey-changey narrative of the affluent cloaks the power they exercise, and how they can do better with author of the forthcoming book Winners Take All and former New York Times and current NBC […]

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ADDED 03/22/2018

A Private Mercenary Firm Is Making Millions Off Tragedy in Houston, Puerto Rico and Standing Rock

FROM 03/20/2018 | AlterNet

BY Mehreen Kasana

The practice of governments and security firms conducting wide-scale exploitation of major disasters, natural and otherwise, is nothing new. Last week, the Intercept reported on TigerSwan, a mercenary security firm that follows a similar disaster-capitalist model and has attacked the No Dakota Access Pipeline (NoDAPL) movement since 2016, at least. But that’s not all: TigerSwan has also been preying […]

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ADDED 03/16/2018

Authoritarian ICO: How Venezuela’s Government Is Abusing the Blockchain

FROM 03/14/2018 | Medium

BY Robert Greenfield IV

Maduro’s new Petro token is consolidating power and crowdfunding oppression. “Imaginary evil is romantic and varied; real evil is gloomy, monotonous, barren, boring. Imaginary good is boring; real good is always new, marvelous, intoxicating.” ― Simone Weil Last year, token sales raised approximately $5.6 billion. The crypto-method of crowdfunding has opened the floodgates to decentralized funding, which […]

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ADDED 03/08/2018

It could happen in Britain

FROM  | The Economist

BY Bagehot

British institutions may not withstand the authoritarian-populist wave. IN HIS dystopian novel of 1935, “It Can’t Happen Here”, Sinclair Lewis described the rise of an American Caesar, Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip. Buzz easily defeats Franklin Roosevelt for the presidency by promising to make America great again. He then sets about destroying the country’s system of checks […]

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ADDED 03/05/2018

Taxpayers — not Big Pharma — have funded the research behind every new drug since 2010

FROM 03/02/2018 | Other 98%

BY Alexander Zaitchik

A sweeping study of drug R&D funding shows the public pays for the crucial foundations of medical breakthroughs. So why not let the public have access to them? Something odd happened when the Trump administration submitted the original version of its latest pro-corporate budget: Big Pharma didn’t like it. The problem wasn’t a tax hike […]

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