Viewing Poland

ADDED 01/28/2019

Anti-Semitic protest at Auschwitz during commemoration

FROM 01/27/2019 | The Independent

BY Tim Wyatt

Polish nationalists held an anti-Semitic protest during a Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony at Auschwitz. The small group of hardline activists held their demonstration inside the former concentration camp at the same time as the official Holocaust commemorations on Sunday. The 50 protestors from the Polish Independence Movement were led by Piotr Rybak, who was once jailed for burning […]

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ADDED 11/12/2018

Poland’s president addresses far right at independence march

FROM 11/11/2018 | The Guardian

BY Christian Davies

More than 200,000 people are estimated to have taken part in a controversial independence-day march through central Warsaw on Sunday, after a last-minute agreement was struck between senior politicians and the event’s far-right organisers. The March of Independence, organised by nationalist and far-right groups and held annually in the Polish capital on 11 November to […]

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ADDED 07/07/2018

Poland’s judicial purge another step toward authoritarian democracy

FROM 07/06/2018 | The Conversation

BY Brian Porter-Szücs

Since the elections of 2015, Poland has been ruled by the Law and Justice Party (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość, or PiS), a far-right nationalist group that has transformed the country beyond recognition. Poland had once been lauded as the great post-communist success story, with solid democratic institutions and a booming economy. Now, under PiS rule, Poland is steadily […]

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ADDED 03/22/2018

Why the Center Left Keeps Losing Elections in Europe

FROM 03/20/2018 | Foreign Policy in Focus

BY Conn Hallinan

More than a quarter of a century ago, much of the European center-left made a course change, edging away from its working class base, accommodating itself to the globalization of capital, and handing over the post-World War II social contract to private industry. Whether it was the “New Labor” of Tony Blair in Britain or Gerhard […]

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