Viewing Economics

ADDED 02/04/2019

Nativist Nationalism and the Specter of Fascism in Italy

FROM 02/04/2019 | EuropeNow

BY EuropeNow

Lombard League, Northern League, League: in recent years the regionalist formation, which had emerged in Lombardy in the 1980s as the vocal representative of autonomist and anti-southern sentiment in the rich northern region, has converted into a nativist Italian nationalist party and solidified an alliance with Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France (recently renamed […]

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ADDED 01/31/2019

The World to Come

FROM 01/28/2019 | Truthdig

BY Chris Hedges

The ruling elites are painfully aware that the foundations of American power are rotting. The outsourcing of manufacturing in the United States and the plunging of over half the population into poverty will, they know, not be reversed. The self-destructive government shutdown has been only one of numerous assaults on the efficiency of the administrative […]

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ADDED 01/31/2019

U.S. Far Right Figures Flew to Russia to Party with Oligarchs and Fascists

FROM 01/30/2019 | Hill Reporter

BY Ollie Ward

A cache of hacked emails revealed that a senior figure in the Bradley Foundation, a prominent financier of right-wing groups in the US, attended a gala alongside Russian oligarchs and officials shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014. The Daily Beast reported that a new leak site called Distributed Denial of Secrets hacked the […]

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ADDED 01/28/2019

Netanyahu Forms Alliances with Far-Right Authoritarian Leaders

FROM 01/26/2019 | Real News Network

BY Marc Steiner

Shir Hever says Netanyahu is abusing his image as a protector of the Jewish people, and cuts deals with far-right and anti-Semitic heads of state, absolving them of their racism towards Jews in exchange for their superficial support for the State of Israel. All this, to win the upcoming Israeli elections. MARC STEINER: Welcome to The […]

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ADDED 01/24/2019

Americans Have Lost Faith In Their Ability To Move From Poverty To Riches

FROM 01/21/2019 | HuffPost

BY Jo Confino

People in the United States and other developed countries are losing faith in the capitalist system to improve their lives, according to a new global poll commissioned by the World Economic Forum, published on the eve of its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Almost two-thirds of U.S. respondents said it was no longer commonplace for […]

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ADDED 01/23/2019

Confronting the Culture of Death

FROM 01/21/2019 | Truthdig

BY Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges, an ordained Presbyterian minister, gave this sermon Jan. 20 at Christ Church Cathedral in Victoria, British Columbia, in Canada. The issue before us is death. Not only our individual death, which is more imminent for some of us this morning than others, but our collective death. We have begun the sixth great mass extinction, […]

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ADDED 01/17/2019

The self is capital: Seeing life within, and beyond, the neoliberal frame.

FROM 03/10/2018 | This is Hell!

BY Julie Wilson

People acquiesce to neoliberalism, but they’re completely disaffected from it. They don’t like it, they’re disciplined into it by debt, and by the norms of competition and the kind of social Darwinism that it promotes – but at the same time, that disaffective consent is a tenuous thing to build a society on. So the […]

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ADDED 01/16/2019

When the Nazis were beaten, ‘never again’ was the cry. But here we are again

FROM 01/15/2019 | iNews

BY Yasmin Alibhai-Brown

Among the agitating gilets jaunes in Paris were known anti-Semites. One banner described President Emmanuel Macron as a “whore of the Jews”. Others abused the Jewish billionaires, the Rothschilds. Ukip now has official links with those with similar views. Among them is Paul Joseph Watson, an editor of Infowars, a website that promulgates Jewish conspiracy theories. […]

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ADDED 01/14/2019

The ‘Private Governments’ That Subjugate U.S. Workers

FROM 01/14/2019 | Truthdig

BY Chris Hedges

Corporate dictatorships—which strip employees of fundamental constitutional rights, including free speech, and which increasingly rely on temp or contract employees who receive no benefits and have no job security—rule the lives of perhaps 80 percent of working Americans. These corporations, with little or no oversight, surveil and monitor their workforces. They conduct random drug testing, […]

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ADDED 01/14/2019

Authoritarians, THE ANGLE, and Evangelism Apps

FROM 01/13/2019 | Patheos

BY Captain Cassidy

Hi and welcome to our new series on authoritarians! Last time we met up, we explored the fear that drives people into authoritarian personalities and groups. This time, we examine the main tool authoritarians use to soothe that fear: obedience. We’ll dive into a new breed of mobile apps that take advantage of authoritarians’ need for rules […]

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ADDED 01/14/2019

Report: Nigeria’s democracy just a step above authoritarianism

FROM 01/12/2019 | Today Nigeria

BY Brendan Umoren

Nigeria’s democracy has been ranked 108 out of the 167-country-and-colony in the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Democracy index. The country, which is Africa’s biggest democracy, has a slight improvement as it moved upward from 109 it was ranked in 2017 and 2016. The country was also ranked 108 in 2015. Nigeria was listed among 39 countries […]

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ADDED 01/14/2019

Five Forces Driving the Rise of Fascism in 2019

FROM 01/13/2019 | Truthout

BY Michael I. Niman

The New Year’s Day inauguration of avowed authoritarian strongman Jair Bolsonaro as president of Brazil signaled an ominous start to 2019. Brazil, as the fifth-largest country by landmass (larger than the Australian continent), the sixth-largest by population (larger than Russia) and the ninth-largest economy (larger than Canada), represents global fascism’s biggest gain in recent history. The rise […]

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