Viewing Racism

ADDED 01/14/2019

Five Forces Driving the Rise of Fascism in 2019

FROM 01/13/2019 | Truthout

BY Michael I. Niman

The New Year’s Day inauguration of avowed authoritarian strongman Jair Bolsonaro as president of Brazil signaled an ominous start to 2019. Brazil, as the fifth-largest country by landmass (larger than the Australian continent), the sixth-largest by population (larger than Russia) and the ninth-largest economy (larger than Canada), represents global fascism’s biggest gain in recent history. The rise […]

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ADDED 01/14/2019

Authoritarians, Fear, and the Culture Wars

FROM 01/10/2019 | Patheos


Today, we begin a new series of posts centering on authoritarian personalities. This concept is absolutely crucial to understanding those worst-of-the-worst Christians: culture warriors. To start us off, I’ll define these terms so we can begin exploring the two subtypes involved here, examine what motivates them, and then start looking at why authoritarians are like that. NOTE: […]

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ADDED 01/10/2019

Secular democracy in peril

FROM 01/04/2019 | The Hindu

BY Mohammed Ayoob

India is literally at the crossroads with the very future of its secular democracy at stake. With five important State Assembly elections in various stages of completion and the general election around the corner, the political temperature is at boiling point. Competitive Hindutva has become the name of the game, with the ostensibly secular Congress party trying […]

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ADDED 01/10/2019

Serbia erupts in nationwide protests after assassination attempts prompt fears of fascist resurgence

FROM 01/09/2019 | Boing Boing

BY Boing Boing

Mass protests have wracked Serbia after critics of nationalist strongman president Aleksandar Vučić were attacked in a series of failed assassination attempts, compounding Vučić’s own human rights abuses and indifference to popular will. Among those who were attacked are Serbian Left president Borko Stefanović and two Serbian Left party activists, who was beaten with iron […]

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ADDED 01/09/2019

Bullying by fascists has gone too far, police told

FROM 01/09/2019 | Metro

BY Aidan Radnedge

THE country’s leading police officer has been urged to intervene to protect MPs and broadcasters from rising intimidation outside parliament by far-right activists. Fears of violent attacks have been fuelled by incidents involving protesters condemned as ‘fascists’ by Commons speaker John Bercow yesterday. It follows threats and abuse on Monday that left pro-EU Conservative MP […]

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ADDED 01/09/2019

Are ‘authoritarian’ governments ‘backing’ each other up?

FROM 01/09/2019 | The Online Citizen


American citizen William Nguyen of Vietnamese descent, is 33 years old this year. In the middle of last year, Nguyen hogged media headlines when he was beaten, dragged and arrested by plainclothes Vietnamese policemen in Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam on 10 June. (Video of Nguyen being manhandled by Vietnamese authorities) Born and raised […]

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ADDED 01/09/2019

Two things you may have missed in Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Roma’

FROM 01/08/2019 | The Conversation

BY Alejandro Hernandez

Recently, Alfonso Cuarón was awarded best foreign language film and best director at the Golden Globes for Roma. He is fittingly being praisedfor both technical features and the powerful stories Roma tells about daily life in Mexico in the 1970s. The film, however, contains other subtle but important elements that have been largely ignored by critics so far. Two of these elements are […]

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ADDED 01/09/2019

Authoritarian Regimes Pay Millions to K Street Lobbyists

FROM 01/09/2019 | Bloomberg Government

BY Megan R. Wilson

Countries on human rights abuse list tap DC spinmeisters More than 60 firms represented counties with lowest ratings (Bloomberg Government) — Saudi Arabia and other countries with records of human rights abuses spend tens of millions of dollars every year to put their best faces forward in Washington. They hire lobbying firms whose rosters include former […]

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ADDED 01/03/2019

Fascism is thriving again in Italy – and finding its home on the terraces

FROM 12/29/2018 | The Guardian

BY Tobias Jones

The kind of racist abuse aimed at Napoli’s Kalidou Koulibaly is commonplace in Italian football – and points to a wider malaise. This week has shown, once again, that Italian football has a deep-seated problem with racism and fascism. At the Boxing Day game at the San Siro stadium in Milan, the black Napoli defender Kalidou […]

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ADDED 12/29/2018

Rising populism threatens LGBTQ in West and around the world

FROM  | Globe and Mail


In Poland two months ago, more than 200 schools planning to hold a “Rainbow Friday” to promote tolerance for sexual minorities had to cancel the event, under orders from the increasingly authoritarian government’s Minister of Education. In the United States, as part of the Trump administration’s attack on transgender rights, the Department of Health and […]

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ADDED 12/29/2018

Indonesia’s president turns tough

FROM 12/24/2018 | UCA News


Joko Widodo was welcomed as a fresh breeze when he stood for election as president of Indonesia in 2014. A stranger to the elites that had long dominated politics, he became a media darling by talking to ordinary people in the street, in what quickly became known as blusukan, roaming around.Now, facing re-election next April, questions are […]

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ADDED 12/17/2018

How The US Left Failed Brasil

FROM 12/10/2018 | Brasilwire

BY Brian Mier, Sean T. Mitchell, and Bryan Pitts

On November 29, 2018, the socialist magazine and news site Jacobin co-sponsored a public interview with Fernando Haddad, the 2018 presidential candidate of Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT). The former São Paulo mayor and federal education minister was introduced at Manhattan’s People’s Forum by Jacobin’s founding editor, Bhaskar Sunkara. To a packed house, Sunkara praised Haddad and the governments he […]

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