Viewing Philosophy

ADDED 12/17/2018

How The US Left Failed Brasil

FROM 12/10/2018 | Brasilwire

BY Brian Mier, Sean T. Mitchell, and Bryan Pitts

On November 29, 2018, the socialist magazine and news site Jacobin co-sponsored a public interview with Fernando Haddad, the 2018 presidential candidate of Brazil’s Workers’ Party (PT). The former São Paulo mayor and federal education minister was introduced at Manhattan’s People’s Forum by Jacobin’s founding editor, Bhaskar Sunkara. To a packed house, Sunkara praised Haddad and the governments he […]

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ADDED 12/17/2018

The Heresy of White Christianity

FROM 12/10/2018 | Truthdig

BY Chris Hedges

There are, as Cornel West has pointed out, only two African-Americans who rose from dirt-poor poverty to the highest levels of American intellectual life—the writer Richard Wright and the radical theologian James H. Cone. Cone, who died in April, grew up in segregated Bearden, Ark., the impoverished son of a woodcutter who had only a sixth-grade education. With […]

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ADDED 12/12/2018

An estimated 15,000 have marched to counter a far right rally in London

FROM 12/09/2018 | DAZED

BY Thom Waite

Counter-protesters have gathered today to oppose a Tommy Robinson-led, Brexit-based Ukip march in London. Groups opposing the far right, such as Unite Against Fascism and Momentum, are leading the opposition march with backing from figures such as Labour’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell. In a Twitter video, political commentator Owen Jones pointed out that the number of counter-protesters […]

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ADDED 12/12/2018

Our Enemy Is Still Fascism: Understanding Fascist Politics & How Best To Confront Its Growing Power

FROM 12/11/2018 | The Aerogram

BY Sudip Bhattacharya

By the 1920s, fascism’s rise garnered a wide range of reactions from political and economic elites. Business leaders viewed Benito Mussolini’s fascism in Italy as necessary for “preserving” economic growth. Others, including some socialists, believed fascism would simply fade away. Clara Zetkin, the founder of International Women’s Day, was a veteran German revolutionary socialist by the […]

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ADDED 11/30/2018

Neoliberalism’s Dark Path to Fascism

FROM 11/26/2018 | Truthdig

BY Chris Hedges

Neoliberalism as economic theory was always an absurdity. It had as much validity as past ruling ideologies such as the divine right of kings and fascism’s belief in the Übermensch. None of its vaunted promises were even remotely possible. Concentrating wealth in the hands of a global oligarchic elite—eight families now hold as much wealth as 50 percent of […]

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ADDED 11/30/2018

Chile-Brazil: A New Laboratory For The Far-Right

FROM  | BrasilWire

BY Joana Salém Vasconcelos and Rejane Carolina Hoeveler

The Neoliberal model implemented in Chile after the 1973 Military Coup gives us hints as to what will happen in Brazil under a future Jair Bolsonaro Government. The resemblance is no mere coincidence. Still shocked by the electoral results in Brazil, many Brazilians are asking how an avalanche of votes for Jair Bolsonaro and General […]

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ADDED 11/26/2018

This Is How We Radicalized The World

FROM  | BuzzFeed

BY Ryan Broderick

SÃO PAULO, Brazil — From the balcony of BuzzFeed’s São Paulo office right now, you can hear screams of “Ele Não” echoing through the city’s winding avenues. It’s the same phrase I’ve seen graffitied all over the city this month. The same one I heard chanted from restaurants and bars all afternoon. It means “not […]

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ADDED 11/13/2018

Has America Gone Insane?

FROM 11/06/2018 | Truthdig

BY Jeffrey Bowers

What does United States of America stand for nowadays if political division is at an all time high? Is it still the land of the free if America has the highest rate of incarceration in the world? Are we still the home of the brave if we refuse to stand up to injustice, because it […]

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ADDED 11/13/2018

How conservative corruption opened a fascist door in Rio

FROM 11/13/2018 | Brasil Wire


Massive corruption in Rio de Janeiro’s disastrous Public/Private transportation partnerships brought an end to decades of MDB party hegemony, but the power vacuum that it opened was filled by neofascists. When the June, 2013 protests against bus fare hikes and lack of quality public transportation rocked Brazil, protesters in Rio de Janeiro had a clear […]

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ADDED 11/12/2018


FROM 11/07/2018 | Intercepted

BY Jeremy Scahill

POLITICIANS LOVE TO tell us every election is the “most important of our lifetime.” With Donald Trump in power, it rings true for many voters. This week on Intercepted: Journalist Chris Hedges has spent the past 15 years trying to ring the alarm about the dangers of the U.S. political system and the impact of a […]

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ADDED 11/02/2018

The Not-so Invisible Hand of Uncle Sam

FROM 11/01/2018 | BrasilWire

BY Bryan Pitts

The United States has spent over a century meddling in Latin America. Recent crusades against corruption in Latin America are only the latest chapter. Today Brazil is on the front lines of the US battle to re-establish its hegemony in the region. When you study Latin American history, as I have for well over a […]

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ADDED 11/01/2018

Timothy Snyder Speaks, ep. 14: Politics of Eternity, Politics of Inevitability

FROM 06/21/2018 | YouTube

BY Timothy Snyder

History is not just what happens in time, it is how we think about time. The present moment seems not just threatening but destabilizing because many of us are shifting from one sense of time to another. The concepts of eternity and inevitability conclude On Tyranny and frame “Road to Unfreedom.” In this talk I […]

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