Viewing Trump

ADDED 11/21/2020

From China, France and Thomas Jefferson: history lessons for Donald Trump and Republicans on aristocratic excess

FROM 11/12/2020 | South China Morning Post

BY Martin Powers

“Let the constitution of a government be what it will, if there is but one man in it exempt from the laws, all the other members must necessarily be at his discretion.” Perhaps we should thank US President Donald Trump for demonstrating the truth of 18th-century French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s insight. Buoyed by “presidential immunity” – […]

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ADDED 10/12/2018

Protests Outside The White House Could Soon Be Limited & Experts Are Sounding The Alarm

FROM 10/12/2018 | Bustle


Back in August, the Trump administration proposed a rule that would limit protesters’ right to assemble outside the White House and on the National Mall, prompting outrage from the ACLU and other civil rights groups. This rule would also allow the National Park Service to charge “event management” costs for protesting in these areas, which critics have described […]

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ADDED 08/30/2018

This Is Fascism, Pure and Simple

FROM 08/30/2018 | Esquire


The Trump administration is now denying passports to American citizens. This sounds terrifying familiar. We begin Thursday on the general theme of What In The Unholy Fck Is Going On And What In The Unholy Fck Is Wrong With These People? From The Washington Post: His official American birth certificate shows he was delivered by a midwife in Brownsville, […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Authoritarian aggression and group-based dominance distinguished Trump supporters from other Republicans in 2016

FROM 07/21/2018 | PsyPost


Results from four scientific surveys indicate that supporters of Donald Trump in 2016 were more likely than supporters of other Republican candidates to exhibit signs of authoritarian aggression and endorse group-based dominance. The research was published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. “Trump’s success in the early primary season was surprising to many people, […]

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ADDED 05/15/2018

Exclusive: how rightwing groups wield secret ‘toolkit’ to plot against US unions

FROM 05/14/2018 | The Guardian

BY Ed Pilkington

Internal documents obtained by the Guardian reveal a nationwide drive to persuade union members to quit and stop paying dues. Rightwing activists are launching a nationwide drive to persuade public-sector trade union members to tear up their membership cards and stop paying dues, posing a direct threat to the progressive movement in America. Documents obtained […]

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