Viewing Mexico

ADDED 01/09/2019

Two things you may have missed in Alfonso Cuarón’s ‘Roma’

FROM 01/08/2019 | The Conversation

BY Alejandro Hernandez

Recently, Alfonso Cuarón was awarded best foreign language film and best director at the Golden Globes for Roma. He is fittingly being praisedfor both technical features and the powerful stories Roma tells about daily life in Mexico in the 1970s. The film, however, contains other subtle but important elements that have been largely ignored by critics so far. Two of these elements are […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Authoritarians used to be scared of social media, now they rule it

FROM 07/21/2018 | Boing Boing


A new report from the Institute For the Future on “state-sponsored trolling” documents the rise and rise of government-backed troll armies who terrorize journalists and opposition figures with seemingly endless waves of individuals who bombard their targets with vile vitriol, from racial slurs to rape threats. The report traces the origin of the phenomenon to a series […]

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ADDED 06/20/2018

Trumpism, Realized

FROM 06/20/2018 | The Atlantic

BY Adam Serwer

To preserve the political and cultural preeminence of white Americans against a tide of demographic change, the administration has settled on a policy of systemic child abuse. At least 2,000 children have now been forcibly separated from their parents by the United States government. Their stories are wrenching. Antar Davidson, a former youth-care worker at an Arizona […]

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ADDED 06/02/2018


FROM  | The Intercept

BY Mehdi Hasan

THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION is targeting children — migrant and refugee children — to achieve its policy goal at the border, crack down on immigration, and placate its far-right base. Whereas the Obama administration kept undocumented children with their parents at emergency shelters and family facilities and “initiated a program designed to allow families more freedom while […]

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