Viewing Coup

ADDED 06/10/2018

Brazil has Fallen Prey to Coup Leaders and Generals

FROM 05/14/2018 | Il Manifesto

BY Francesco Bilotta

In the Brazilian capital, one finds an atmosphere of confusion and concern. The large square housing the monumental buildings that are home to the President of the Republic, the National Congress and the Supreme Federal Court does not seem to have enough room to contain all the contradictions and tensions that have accumulated in the […]

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ADDED 05/03/2018

Media Silent On Brasil’s Growing Public Debt Under Temer

FROM 05/03/2018 | Brasil Wire

BY Marcio Pochmann

During the lead up to the 2016 Coup, a series of alarmist articles in the Brazilian and international media warned of Brazil’s spiraling public debt. In January, 2016, for example, the Economist wrote, “public debt is worryingly large for a middle-income country and rising fast. Because of high interest rates, the cost of servicing it is a […]

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ADDED 04/12/2018

Saad Filho: The attack on Lula and threats to Brasil’s Democracy

FROM 04/12/2018 | Brasilwire

BY Saad Filho

“It is scandalous to have the US government guiding policy and the judicial prosecution of Lula. It is scandalous to have the judicial process turned into a spectacle for TV. It is scandalous to invite the military back into politics.” Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was the most influential trade union leader in Brazil in […]

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