Viewing Bulgaria

ADDED 02/09/2019

Autocracies that look like democracies are a threat across the globe

FROM 02/05/2019 | The Conversation

BY Richard Carney

Russia’s successful interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election may inspire other countries to do the same. These other countries don’t look threatening. They look like democracies. But they’re not. They’re a special kind of autocratic regime that masquerades as a democracy. And what looks like benevolent conduct by these countries can quickly change into aggressive, […]

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ADDED 03/22/2018

Why the Center Left Keeps Losing Elections in Europe

FROM 03/20/2018 | Foreign Policy in Focus

BY Conn Hallinan

More than a quarter of a century ago, much of the European center-left made a course change, edging away from its working class base, accommodating itself to the globalization of capital, and handing over the post-World War II social contract to private industry. Whether it was the “New Labor” of Tony Blair in Britain or Gerhard […]

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