Viewing Theocracy

ADDED 07/25/2018


FROM 07/25/2018 | Pacific Standard

BY Tom Jacobs

New research finds that fused identity apparently produces a predisposition toward authoritarianism. To outsiders, it may be difficult to comprehend the continued strong support for Donald Trump among self-described religious patriots. Policies like separating immigrant children from their parents, and housing some of those kids in cages, don’t exactly align with Christian teachings. And ideas like punishing National Football League players […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Steve Bannon plans foundation to fuel far right in Europe

FROM 07/21/2018 | The Guardian

BY Jamie Doward

Former White House chief adviser says he wants to rival to George Soros’s influence. Steve Bannon has announced plans to establish a foundation in Europe that he hopes will fuel the spread of rightwing populism across the continent. Donald Trump’s former chief advisor in the White House told the Daily Beast that he wanted to offer […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Authoritarians used to be scared of social media, now they rule it

FROM 07/21/2018 | Boing Boing


A new report from the Institute For the Future on “state-sponsored trolling” documents the rise and rise of government-backed troll armies who terrorize journalists and opposition figures with seemingly endless waves of individuals who bombard their targets with vile vitriol, from racial slurs to rape threats. The report traces the origin of the phenomenon to a series […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Authoritarian aggression and group-based dominance distinguished Trump supporters from other Republicans in 2016

FROM 07/21/2018 | PsyPost


Results from four scientific surveys indicate that supporters of Donald Trump in 2016 were more likely than supporters of other Republican candidates to exhibit signs of authoritarian aggression and endorse group-based dominance. The research was published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science. “Trump’s success in the early primary season was surprising to many people, […]

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ADDED 07/20/2018

Netanyahu and Orban meet in summit of illiberal nationalists

FROM 07/20/2018 | Washington Post

BY Ishaan Tharoor

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, as readers of Today’s WorldView well know, is perhaps Europe’s most outspoken illiberal leader. He’s reviled by many in the Western establishment for his demonization of migrants and his steady undermining of democracy at home. He has also seemingly courted his country’s right-wing anti-Semites: A key plank of his successful April reelection […]

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ADDED 07/14/2018

Son of Jair Bolsonaro, Fascist Leading Brazil’s Presidential Polls, Tweets Fake Poster Linking LGBTs to Pedophiles

FROM 07/14/2018 | The Intercept

BY Glenn Greenwald

THE SON OF Jair Bolsonaro – the proto-fascist Congressman leading Brazil’s 2018 presidential polls if Lula (as expected) is barred from running – used Twitter on Friday night to post a fabricated poster in order to claim that LGBT groups are now explicitly advocating pedophilia. Carlos Bolsonaro (pictured, above), a Rio de Janeiro City Councilman with the Social Christian Party (PSC), is one of […]

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ADDED 07/13/2018

India turning into an illiberal, majoritarian democracy: Hamid Ansari

FROM  | The News Minute

BY Hamid Ansari

Former Vice President M. Hamid Ansari has said that India is feared to be turned into an illiberal, majoritarian democracy where religious minorities would not be equal citizens but “on sufferance” and underlined that democratic institutions have been “eroded very seriously” in the country. “The basic concept that I have used is what is a […]

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ADDED 07/11/2018

What does a middle-class democracy look like when it comes apart?

FROM 07/11/2018 | Letters and Politics - KPFA

BY Mitch Jeserich

Today, Mitch Jeserich is in conversation with Thomas Frank on US History and Politics. Guest: Thomas Frank is a historian and columnist and the author of such books as  What’s the Matter with Kansas and Listen Liberal.  His latest book is a collection of essays called Rendezvous with Oblivion: Reports from a Sinking Society.

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ADDED 07/09/2018

Higher Court Orders Lula’s Release. Moro Tries to Ignore Orders.

FROM 07/08/2018 | Brasil Wire

BY Brian Mier

Today, on July 8th, 2018, Brazil’s 4th Regional Federal Court Chief Judge Rogerio Favreto ordered ex-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva’s immediate release from prison, ruling on a motion filed by Workers’ Party Congressmen Paulo Pimenta and Wadir Damous Filho. Judge Sergio Moro, a lower court judge and hero to the Brazilian far right who has been working […]

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ADDED 06/23/2018

Meet the favorite philosophers of young white supremacists

FROM 06/21/2018 | Think Progress

BY Casey Michel

As Donald Trump basked in his presidential election victory in 2016, white supremacist Richard Spencer unleashed a round of Nazi-inspired praise for Trump’s victory — sentiments echoed by Alexander Dugin, a Russian neo-fascist whose writings reached a broader English-speaking audience thanks to Spencer and his wife, Nina Kouprianova. These three, writes University of Toronto political science professor Ronald Beiner, […]

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ADDED 06/23/2018

As an anti-Semitic fascist movement grows, Zionists attack the anti-fascist left

FROM 06/21/2018 | Red Flag


Far right politics is making a comeback. And with it comes political anti-Semitism. In the English-speaking world, quasi-fascist “alt-right” milieus increasingly consider the “JQ” (“Jewish question”) an important component of their political war against immigration, liberalism, socialism and “Islamisation”. In Europe, the far right attempts to deflect economic and social anxieties into hatred towards immigrants, […]

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ADDED 06/15/2018

America is Suffering an Epidemic of ‘Dishonest Fake Belief’ — Promoted by the People Who Took Over the GOP

FROM 06/12/2018 | AlterNet

BY Jeremy Sherman

America is Suffering an Epidemic of ‘Dishonest Fake Belief’ — Promoted by the People Who Took Over the GOP Just call yourself a Christian, a patriot or a True American and you can get away with anything. “The True Believers” is a psychology classic, a study undertaken by Eric Hoffer, a longshoreman moonlighting as a […]

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