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ADDED 09/11/2018

Fascist fight clubs: how white nationalists use MMA as a recruiting tool

FROM 09/11/2018 | The Guardian

BY Karim Zidan

Far-right groups across Europe and North America are using mixed martial arts to swell their numbers, spread their ideology and fight their enemies. “You will not replace us.” This was one of the slogans chanted during a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on the night of 11 August 2017. Approximately 100 young white men – most of […]

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ADDED 08/21/2018

This isn’t just a culture war – we need a radical anti-fascist movement right now

FROM 08/21/2018 | The Guardian

BY Ash Sarkar

the National Front in Newham, Wood Green and New Cross; she helped organise marches after the murder of Altab Ali in Whitechapel; she participated in neighbourhood police-monitoring groups, at a time when the Metropolitan police faced intense criticism from black and Asian community groups for its failure to adequately investigate racist murders, its protection of the […]

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ADDED 07/30/2018

“Hipster Fascists”: The Normalization Of The Radical Right Isn’t Just Happening In America

FROM 07/30/2018 | Rantt Media

BY Chris Allen

Just as neo-Nazis in America have tried to rebrand themselves, the same is happening with the Generation Identity (GI) white supremacist movement in Britain. In a recent article in the Sunday Times, journalist Andrew Gilligan claimed the Generation Identity (GI) movement in Britain was looking to ‘rebrand’ the radical right and thereby ‘normalize’ its extremist ideology and […]

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