Viewing Anti-Semitism

ADDED 11/26/2018

This Is How We Radicalized The World

FROM  | BuzzFeed

BY Ryan Broderick

SÃO PAULO, Brazil — From the balcony of BuzzFeed’s São Paulo office right now, you can hear screams of “Ele Não” echoing through the city’s winding avenues. It’s the same phrase I’ve seen graffitied all over the city this month. The same one I heard chanted from restaurants and bars all afternoon. It means “not […]

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ADDED 11/18/2018

The Midterms Did Not Stop the March of Fascism, But We Can

FROM 11/14/2018 | Truthout

BY Kelly Hayes & Maya Schenwar

“Settle your quarrels, come together, understand the reality of our situation, understand that fascism is already here, that people are dying who could be saved, that generations more will die or live poor butchered half-lives if you fail to act.” — George Jackson Twenty-two months into the Trump administration, the United States is a country […]

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ADDED 11/18/2018

How a US Government-Backed Neo-Nazi Group Fosters Fascism in America, EU

FROM 11/17/2018 | Sputnik News

BY Sputnik News

An FBI indictment of four American white supremacists belonging to the Rise Above Movement (RAM) in connection to violence they committed in Charlottesville, Virginia, and California in 2017 revealed that they had previously traveled to Ukraine to get training from a neo-Nazi militia. The four men, who all hail from California, were “among the most violent […]

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