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ADDED 05/04/2019

A Far-Right Party Turned This Lil’ Gay Ghost Into An LGBT Icon

FROM 05/03/2019 | BuzzFeed

BY Lauren Strapagiel

He’s here, he’s queer, he’s a friendly ghost. While trying to speak out against LGBT activism, a far-right political party in Spain accidentally made a star out of a little rainbow ghost. It all started with this tweet from Vox, a party known for opposing immigration, abortion, same-sex marriage, and Islam, among other things. View […]

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ADDED 05/04/2019

Fascism is on the minds of book buyers — and publishers are taking notice

FROM 05/03/2019 | Los Angeles Times

BY Scott Timberg

Remember “The End of History?” Elizabeth Drummond, who spent the 1990s studying at Georgetown University, recalls Francis Fukuyama’s groundbreaking essay well, which announced “an unabashed victory of economic and political liberalism.” The Soviet Union had just collapsed in a peaceful devolution, Germany was reunified as Champagne popped alongside the crumbling Berlin Wall and democracy seemed […]

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ADDED 05/04/2019

Explosive new book dissects the soft coup that brought fascism to Brazil

FROM 05/03/2019 | The Canary

BY John McEvoy

On 28 October 2018, Brazil elected a fascist, racist, sexist, and homophobic president. And an explosive new book delves into how that happened, providing a crucial point of reference for resistance in the process. Washington’s pivotal role Tired of rising crime and government corruption, Brazilians lashed out at the old and discredited political order to elect a “controversial” […]

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ADDED 05/04/2019

A Summer Vacation in China’s Muslim Gulag

FROM 02/28/2019 | Foreign Policy

BY Special Correspondent

How one university student was almost buried by the “people’s war on terror.” ince announcing a “people’s war on terror” in 2014, the Chinese Communist Party has created an unprecedented network of re-education camps in the autonomous Xinjiang region that are essentially ethnic gulags. Unlike the surgical “strike hard” campaigns of the recent past, the […]

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ADDED 05/04/2019

People take to the streets of Bratislava to protest against fascism

FROM 05/02/2019 | Spektator

BY Staff

Several hundred people participated in the protest against the recent Supreme Court decision. Following the Supreme Court decision not to dissolve the far-right People’s Party – Our Slovakia (ĽSNS), a protest was organised at SNP Square in Bratislava on May 2. Several hundred people took part in the Antifascist Mobilisation 2019 protest, according to the estimates. “We […]

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ADDED 04/21/2019

Only the Struggle Matters

FROM 04/01/2019 | Truthdig

BY Chris Hedges

PARIS—In the small chapel to the right at the entrance of the neoclassical Church of Saint-Sulpice is a large mural by Eugène Delacroix. The painter, at the end of his career and suffering from the tuberculous laryngitis that would soon kill him, depicted a story from Genesis. “Jacob is travelling with the flocks and other gifts he is […]

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ADDED 04/21/2019

Democracy is decaying around the world, one law at a time

FROM 04/07/2019 | Scroll.IN

BY Chrystie Flournoy Swiney

From India to Poland to America, even historically strong democracies are passing legislation that makes it harder and riskier to engage in peaceful protests. Democracy seemed ascendant after the rivalry between communist and democratic states subsided in the wake of the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991. As elected governments replaced many toppled totalitarian and authoritarian regimes, the […]

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ADDED 04/21/2019


FROM 04/18/2019 | Wired

BY Rose Eveleth

IN 1909, A poet named Filippo Marinetti was driving along in his brand new Fiat when he came across two cyclists in the road. Marinetti swerved to avoid hitting his fellow travelers, sending his car into a ditch and completely destroying the vehicle. Here’s how Marinetti described the encounter: The words were scarcely out of my […]

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ADDED 04/21/2019

How to fight the new fascism

FROM 04/18/2019 | Sp!ked

BY Andrew Doyle

The rise of the far right is something that must concern any civilised society. Even before the horrific terrorist atrocity in Christchurch, there have been signs that racist extremists are becoming more active. In the UK, four of the 18 terror attacks prevented by the intelligence agencies since March 2017 have come from the far right. Although, […]

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ADDED 04/01/2019

Benito Mussolini’s granddaughter lashes out at Jim Carrey over political sketch

FROM 04/01/2019 | The Independent

BY Clarisse Loughrey

Alessandra Mussolini, the Italian politician who is the granddaughter of Benito Mussolini, attacked Jim Carrey on Twitter over a political sketch. The actor shared an image he’d drawn of the former dictator and his mistress, Claretta Petacci, hanging upside down in Piazzale Loreto, Milan, after they were executed in April of 1945. Posted to Twitter, it was accompanied by the caption: “If […]

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ADDED 04/01/2019

This filmmaker spent months interviewing neo-Nazis and jihadists. Here’s what she learned.

FROM 03/17/2019 | Vox

BY Sean Illing

What’s the best way to fight racism and extremism? The impulse to dismiss extremists as unreachable fanatics is strong and at times justifiable. But perhaps it’s not always the most effective means of combating them. Deeyah Khan, a journalist and filmmaker, has decided to engage them directly as human beings. In two documentary films, White Right: […]

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ADDED 04/01/2019

Europe bans one of America’s most prominent white supremacists

FROM 03/31/2019 | Think Progress

BY Casey Michel

Jared Taylor, one of the most prominent white supremacists in the U.S., claimed on his website on Friday that he’d been “banned from Europe” until 2021. The ban came as Taylor attempted to transfer in Switzerland for a flight to Finland. According to Taylor, Swiss police informed him that Polish authorities had barred Taylor from […]

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