ADDED 11/21/2020

India aims to dilute Muslim majority in Kashmir with Hindu settlers

FROM 11/21/2020 | Global Village Space

BY Hidayat Nasar

“Time really is on our side to expose the fascist and violent face and mindset of Modi and his party to the world. Muslims in India need to unite and start a non-violent movement against the barbarian and inhumane policies of Modi”, writes author. Hailing from a hardline Indian nationalist and conservative group (RSS), Narendra […]

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ADDED 11/21/2020

From China, France and Thomas Jefferson: history lessons for Donald Trump and Republicans on aristocratic excess

FROM 11/12/2020 | South China Morning Post

BY Martin Powers

“Let the constitution of a government be what it will, if there is but one man in it exempt from the laws, all the other members must necessarily be at his discretion.” Perhaps we should thank US President Donald Trump for demonstrating the truth of 18th-century French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s insight. Buoyed by “presidential immunity” – […]

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ADDED 11/21/2020

The Rise Of The Anti-Fascist Videogame

FROM 11/18/2020 | ArtsHub

BY Edmond Tran

Our world has long been one where first-world dictators clog news feeds, and vision of civil unrest consistently comes through our televisions and timelines. So it’s only natural that our reality begins to be reflected through our screen art, too. For those in the Western world, we’re seemingly still in the midst of trying to […]

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ADDED 11/21/2020

Fascist infighting: Are The Proud Boys now the Proud Goys?

FROM 11/19/2020 | Patheos

BY Barry Duke

IN THE run-up to the US presidential election, ardent Trump supporter and chairman of the far-right Proud Boys insisted in numerous interviews that his was not a fascist nor a white supremacist outfit. How could be when he, Enrique Tarrio, was black, for chrissake? Moreover, The Proud Boys – the group that Trump told to “stand […]

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