ADDED 09/22/2019

Michel Temer: “It was a Coup”

FROM  | Brasil Wire

BY Brasil Wire

During a television interview on September 16th, 2019, former Brazilian President Michel Temer twice referred to the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff as a Golpe (Coup). Dilma Rousseff’s former VP, of the conservative MDB party, told interviewers: “People said ‘Temer is a Golpista (Putschist)’ and that I supported the Coup. It was different, I never supported or made […]

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ADDED 09/22/2019

Anti-racists outraged by fascist group’s migrant hunt

FROM 09/19/2019 | Morning Star

BY Morning Star

FAR-RIGHT Britain First’s plans to step up “patriot migrant patrols” is a “shocking indictment” of the “hostile environment” created by the Tories, anti-racist activists have said. The so-called “Operation White Cliffs” involves Britain First fascists patrol Samphire Hoe beach in Kent “equipped with torches, binoculars and hi-vis jackets” hunting for migrants. Britain First has now […]

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ADDED 09/22/2019

Museum Display of Nazi Design Sparks Concern And Protests

FROM 09/19/2019 | The Forward

BY PJ Grisar

A Netherlands museum’s multimedia exhibit on design in Nazi Germany has drawn protests and condemnation over fears that the show does not do enough to contextualize its provocative content. “Design of the Third Reich,” now running at the Design Museum Den Bosch in the Dutch city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, features the propaganda films of Leni Riefenstahl […]

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