ADDED 07/31/2018

Israel’s drift to authoritarianism: An illiberal ‘Jewish democracy’ embraces the populist nationalist model

FROM 07/30/2018 | Mondoweiss

BY Jamil Khader

Two important events happened towards the end of the third week of July in Israel: The ethnocratic settler-colonial state of Israel passed its new Jewish nation state law, which has been in the making for over two years now, and Hungary’s anti-Semitic Prime Minister Viktor Orban made a two-day visit to Israel. Despite the international uproar over the […]

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ADDED 07/30/2018

Aristocracy, Oligarchy, and Donald Trump

FROM 07/25/2018 | Letters and Politics - KPFA

BY Mitch Jeserich

We are in conversation with Arthur Eckstein about how democracies and republics fell apart into chaos or despotism in the ancient western world. The history of those states recounts the history us of our own current state and the rise of a despotic demagogue in the White House. Guest:  Arthur Eckstein is Professor of History and Distinguished Scholar-Teacher […]

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ADDED 07/30/2018

Orbán sees shift to illiberal Christian democracy in 2019 European vote

FROM 07/29/2018 | Euractiv

BY with Reuters and AFP

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Saturday (28 July) that European parliament elections next year could bring about a shift toward illiberal “Christian democracy” in the European Union that would end the era of multiculturalism. In an annual speech to ethnic Hungarians in Băile Tușnad in neighbouring Romania, Orbán portrayed the 2019 European parliamentary […]

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ADDED 07/30/2018

Black Lives Matter to stage counterprotest against ‘White Civil Rights’ rally in DC

FROM 07/29/2018 | The Hill


The Washington, D.C., chapter of Black Lives Matter is planning to stage a counter-protest against the “White Civil Rights” rally scheduled to take place near the White House next month. The organizer of last year’s deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Va., received a permit in July to host a similar rally on Aug. 12 in the nation’s capital. The Black […]

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ADDED 07/30/2018

“Hipster Fascists”: The Normalization Of The Radical Right Isn’t Just Happening In America

FROM 07/30/2018 | Rantt Media

BY Chris Allen

Just as neo-Nazis in America have tried to rebrand themselves, the same is happening with the Generation Identity (GI) white supremacist movement in Britain. In a recent article in the Sunday Times, journalist Andrew Gilligan claimed the Generation Identity (GI) movement in Britain was looking to ‘rebrand’ the radical right and thereby ‘normalize’ its extremist ideology and […]

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ADDED 07/29/2018

Democracy’s decline

FROM 07/28/2018 | Winnipeg Free Press

BY Matt Henderson

The horrific authoritarian and fascist regimes of the 20th century might seem like a distant memory to some, as are the prophetic works by George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. But, according to famed educational philosopher and pedagogue Henry Giroux, neo-fascism in the form of Trumpism has reared its ugly head in 2018. In American Nightmare: Facing […]

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ADDED 07/29/2018

Civic space shrinks in ‘authoritarian’ Bangladesh

FROM 07/27/2018 | UCA News

BY Stephan Uttom and Rock Ronald Rozario

A prominent rights watchdog has accused Bangladesh’s ruling government of human rights abuses and for diminishing basic freedoms in the South Asian nation. “Bangladesh’s human rights situation has alarmingly deteriorated over the past years, and it tends to get worse,” Hong Kong-based Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) said in a statement on July 26. AHRC put the […]

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ADDED 07/26/2018

Bernie Sanders and Progressive Democrats Demand Lula’s Release

FROM 07/26/2018 | BrasilWire

BY Brian Mier

In a letter addressed to Brazilian Ambassador Sergio Silva do Amaral dated July 26th, a group of 29 US lawmakers, including Bernie Sanders and Congressional Black Caucus members Bobby Rush, Keith Ellison and Maxine Waters, demand that the Brazilian Government release the political prisoner Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who has been held in solitary […]

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ADDED 07/25/2018


FROM 07/25/2018 | Pacific Standard

BY Tom Jacobs

New research finds that fused identity apparently produces a predisposition toward authoritarianism. To outsiders, it may be difficult to comprehend the continued strong support for Donald Trump among self-described religious patriots. Policies like separating immigrant children from their parents, and housing some of those kids in cages, don’t exactly align with Christian teachings. And ideas like punishing National Football League players […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Steve Bannon plans foundation to fuel far right in Europe

FROM 07/21/2018 | The Guardian

BY Jamie Doward

Former White House chief adviser says he wants to rival to George Soros’s influence. Steve Bannon has announced plans to establish a foundation in Europe that he hopes will fuel the spread of rightwing populism across the continent. Donald Trump’s former chief advisor in the White House told the Daily Beast that he wanted to offer […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Loser Lauren Southern and her man-baby bros flee to Somerton. Sad!

FROM 07/21/2018 | RedFlag


“Fascists like things to run smoothly, they like their trains to run on time. Well, tonight, we made sure that things did not run smoothly for them.” – A Melbourne anti-fascist activist last night. Far right activist Lauren Southern did not expect to host the Melbourne leg of her Australian speaking tour in a reception […]

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ADDED 07/21/2018

Authoritarians used to be scared of social media, now they rule it

FROM 07/21/2018 | Boing Boing


A new report from the Institute For the Future on “state-sponsored trolling” documents the rise and rise of government-backed troll armies who terrorize journalists and opposition figures with seemingly endless waves of individuals who bombard their targets with vile vitriol, from racial slurs to rape threats. The report traces the origin of the phenomenon to a series […]

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