ADDED 06/27/2018

This Is Neoliberalism ▶︎ Introducing the Invisible Ideology

FROM 06/27/2018 | BarakalypseNow

BY Barak Bullock

If you’ve ever wanted to understand what neoliberalism is, this is the series for you. Neoliberalism is an economic ideology that exists within the framework of capitalism. Over four decades ago, neoliberalism become the dominant economic paradigm of global society. In this video series, we’ll trace the history of neoliberalism, starting with a survey of […]

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ADDED 06/26/2018

Civility: The Incremental Descent Into Illiberal Democracy

FROM 06/26/2018 | Peacock Panache

BY Tim Peacock

As pundits and conservatives scold the left and those happy that White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was refused service for her personal participation in the Trump administration and their ongoing morally bankrupt actions, the concepts of tone policing and “civility” become critical. Anyone calling for “civility” from those expressing outrage over the nation’s […]

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ADDED 06/23/2018

The Nature of Time and Paying for Time

FROM 06/18/2018 | KPFA

BY Mitch Jeserich

Anthropologist David Graeber joins us for a conversation about time and how over the years the concept of time has evolved to be used for control through hourly paid work leading to the proliferation of unnecessary jobs. David Graeber, well known for his role in jump-starting the Occupy Wall St movement in 2011, is a […]

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ADDED 06/23/2018

Meet the favorite philosophers of young white supremacists

FROM 06/21/2018 | Think Progress

BY Casey Michel

As Donald Trump basked in his presidential election victory in 2016, white supremacist Richard Spencer unleashed a round of Nazi-inspired praise for Trump’s victory — sentiments echoed by Alexander Dugin, a Russian neo-fascist whose writings reached a broader English-speaking audience thanks to Spencer and his wife, Nina Kouprianova. These three, writes University of Toronto political science professor Ronald Beiner, […]

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ADDED 06/23/2018

As an anti-Semitic fascist movement grows, Zionists attack the anti-fascist left

FROM 06/21/2018 | Red Flag


Far right politics is making a comeback. And with it comes political anti-Semitism. In the English-speaking world, quasi-fascist “alt-right” milieus increasingly consider the “JQ” (“Jewish question”) an important component of their political war against immigration, liberalism, socialism and “Islamisation”. In Europe, the far right attempts to deflect economic and social anxieties into hatred towards immigrants, […]

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ADDED 06/21/2018

The Catholic Church in Nicaragua suspends peace talks as the political crisis deepens

FROM 06/21/2018 | America Magazine

BY Jan-Albert Hootsen

In the second month of Nicaragua’s bloody political crisis, masked anti-government protesters have set up more road blocks and barricadesacross the country. Police and paramilitary groups allegedly linked to the government continue to attack perceived enemies of the regime. And on Monday, Catholic leaders in Nicaragua announced that they were again suspending talks with the government. After the failure […]

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ADDED 06/20/2018

Noam Chomsky on Fascism, Showmanship and Democrats’ Hypocrisy in the Trump Era

FROM  | Truth Out

BY Noam Chomsky

After 18 months of Trump in the White House, American politics finds itself at a crossroads. The United States has moved unmistakably toward a novel form of fascism that serves corporate interests and the military, while promoting at the same time a highly reactionary social agenda infused with religious and crude nationalistic overtones, all with […]

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ADDED 06/20/2018

Trumpism, Realized

FROM 06/20/2018 | The Atlantic

BY Adam Serwer

To preserve the political and cultural preeminence of white Americans against a tide of demographic change, the administration has settled on a policy of systemic child abuse. At least 2,000 children have now been forcibly separated from their parents by the United States government. Their stories are wrenching. Antar Davidson, a former youth-care worker at an Arizona […]

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ADDED 06/17/2018

The ‘Fight’ Phase of the Poor People’s Campaign Has Begun

FROM 06/15/2018 | TruthDig

BY Michael Nigro

Immediately after the news of celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain’s suicide, social media feeds exploded with advice for those suffering from depression, for those who have family or friends who may need help but are unable to ask for it. “Reach out,” posts read. “Ask someone who may need help, how they’re doing.” “Observe those around […]

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ADDED 06/15/2018

America is Suffering an Epidemic of ‘Dishonest Fake Belief’ — Promoted by the People Who Took Over the GOP

FROM 06/12/2018 | AlterNet

BY Jeremy Sherman

America is Suffering an Epidemic of ‘Dishonest Fake Belief’ — Promoted by the People Who Took Over the GOP Just call yourself a Christian, a patriot or a True American and you can get away with anything. “The True Believers” is a psychology classic, a study undertaken by Eric Hoffer, a longshoreman moonlighting as a […]

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ADDED 06/10/2018

Brazil has Fallen Prey to Coup Leaders and Generals

FROM 05/14/2018 | Il Manifesto

BY Francesco Bilotta

In the Brazilian capital, one finds an atmosphere of confusion and concern. The large square housing the monumental buildings that are home to the President of the Republic, the National Congress and the Supreme Federal Court does not seem to have enough room to contain all the contradictions and tensions that have accumulated in the […]

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ADDED 06/06/2018

When Democracy Isn’t Enough

FROM 06/06/2018 | New Republic

BY Ioan Grillo

When the early returns of the November 26 presidential election in Honduras began coming in, supporters of the leftist opposition candidate, Salvador Nasralla, had cause to celebrate. With 57 percent of polling stations counted, he had a five-point lead, a seemingly irreversible advantage. But then the vote-counting system went dark, victim of a computer glitch. A day and […]

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