ADDED 02/28/2018

Uncertain certainties

FROM 02/22/2018 | Visegrad Insight


Political landscapes in Central Europe (CE) seem to be shifting in expected directions, which is somehow still surprising to the public at large This week saw several revelations in CE. Starting with the largest economy of the group, Poland has been struggling for years with their reputation of xenophobic conservatism both within the EU and […]

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ADDED 02/27/2018

Neo-Nazis Attack Greek Anti-Fascist Center, Injure 5

FROM 02/26/2018 | Greek Reporter

BY Tasos Kokkinidis

Five people were injured, three hospitalized, when a gang of suspected neo-Nazis attacked an anti-fascist center in the Greek port of Piraeus on Sunday. The attackers stormed the Favela Free Social Center in the Piraeus suburb of Keratsini, wielding iron bars and setting off flares. Eye-witnesses say that the eight-strong group were chanting support for Greece’s Golden […]

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ADDED 02/27/2018

The Far-Right Book Every Russian General Reads

FROM 02/26/2018 | The Daily Beast


In his native Russia, he is a prominent author and activist famous for promoting fascism at home and advocating for a vast Eurasian empire—a dark mirror of American “Globalism.” Outside of Russia, very few people have heard of Alexander Dugin, the 56-year-old political philosopher and analyst whose views are so extreme that he has been […]

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ADDED 02/27/2018

Top official: Armenia’s fascist leadership must not forget that justice will prevail sooner or later

FROM 02/26/2018 | Trend News Agency

BY Trend

Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb. 26 Trend: Armenia’s fascist leadership must not forget that justice will prevail sooner or later, Novruz Mammadov, assistant of the president for foreign policy issues, head of department, tweeted on Feb. 26. ” Each year grows the number of countries that condemn the genocide and the atrocities committed in Khojaly in 1992, […]

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ADDED 02/27/2018

Recession and Renewal in European Democracy

FROM 02/26/2018 | Carnegie Europe


This is the first article of the Reshaping European Democracy Project, an initiative of Carnegie’s Democracy and Rule of Law Program and Carnegie Europe. There is widespread agreement that liberal democracy is in fragile health in its European heartlands. Freedom House’s recently published 2018 report, “Democracy in Crisis,” suggests liberal democratic values are now at serious […]

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ADDED 02/27/2018

Hungary: Could election upset spell end for illiberal Orban?

FROM 02/26/2018 | Aljazeera

BY Creede Newton

Hungary’s ruling party Fidesz suffered a surprise loss in a mayoral race in an election that some viewed as a sign the ruling party could be defeated in April elections. Peter Marki-Zay, an independent candidate endorsed by the majority of Hungary’s opposition parties, handily won Sunday’s election in southern Hodmezovasarhely against Fidesz candidate Zoltan Hegedus, garnering 57 […]

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ADDED 02/27/2018

Governance and polity

FROM 02/26/2018 | Daily Times

BY Raashid Wali Janjua

Polity and governance are closely related. The civilizations that have overtaken the rest in social, economic, and technological development have demonstrated a very close symbiotic linkage between the two. Tailored to each society’s peculiar needs, political models are tweaked to respond to those needs, ensuring a mode of governance that promotes public welfare, social justice, […]

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ADDED 02/27/2018

Will the Venezuelan Masses Still Stand with Maduro at Election Time?

FROM 02/26/2018 |

BY Lucas Koerner

Why is Chavismo still so popular amid Venezuela’s worst economic downturn in decades? Tens of thousands of Venezuelans could be seen marching down Caracas’ principal Urdaneta Avenue under the sweltering Caribbean sun. No, this was not a protest against the government, which we are routinely told is a dictatorship inflicting mass starvation on its people, […]

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ADDED 02/24/2018

Trump’s America and the rise of the authoritarian personality

FROM 02/16/2017 | The Conversation

BY Magnus Linden

Since the horror of Hitler’s Holocaust, psychologists have investigated why certain individuals appear more prone to follow orders from authority figures, even if it means that they have to sacrifice humanitarian values while doing so. Apart from the Nazi regime, this issue is central to military atrocities such as the massacre in My Lai during the Vietnam […]

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ADDED 02/24/2018

Resist authoritarianism with education

FROM 02/23/2018 | Adirondack Daily Enterprise


Our founding fathers signed a Declaration of Independence that supposedly shed the yoke of the monarchy and substituted a participative democracy with three interactive branches of management. This management framework rests on a constitution and by-laws designed to ensure that participative governance for all citizens would be sustained. It should not be a surprise that […]

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ADDED 02/23/2018

Democracy is decaying worldwide. America isn’t immune

FROM 02/22/2018 | The Washington Post

BY Fareed Zakaria

A few weeks ago, the Economist Intelligence Unit published the 10th edition of its Democracy Index, a comprehensive ranking of nations that looks at 60 measures in five categories, ranging from electoral process to civil liberties. For the second consecutive year, the United States failed to make the top bracket of “full democracy” and was grouped in […]

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ADDED 02/23/2018

Turkey example shows threat to democracies: academics

FROM 02/22/2018 | Ahval News


The Turkish government’s crackdown on critics of the government may be a harbinger of things to come in currently democratic nations as authoritarianism is on the rise across the world, three political psychologists wrote in USA today. David Redlawsk, Masi Noor and Stephen Reicher visited Istanbul to attend the trial of one of more than […]

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